by getfloatn | Oct 21, 2023 | Uncategorized
Easy test order of 10 Master Cases: Wholesale... by getfloatn | Sep 15, 2023 | Aquatic Therapy, Product Details, Real Stories
Bob using the Float’n ThangNew Float’n Thang for In-Water Fitness 92 year old Bob love using Float’n ThangIN-WATER FITNESS Made Easy At the age of 92,’ Bob had a stroke earlier in the year. He is an active adult at his age and always had a...
by getfloatn | Jul 22, 2023 | About, Aquatic Therapy, Product Details, Real Stories
Sunshine Innovations LLC is glad to become a member of the World Water Park Association. (WWA) We recently joined the organization in hopes to introduce our new inflatable version of the Float’n Thang Personal Luxury Flotation Device. This is far from just any...
by getfloatn | Jul 13, 2023 | Product Details
HOW TO ENJOY FLOATING WITHOUT BEING STUCK TO TOP BAKING IN THE SUN Summer temps have hit several all-time highs. From Florida to Arizona, triple-digit temps are cooking the southern states during July 2023. Phoenix’s All-Time High Average Temps of 103 (Weather...
by getfloatn | Jun 5, 2023 | Aquatic Therapy, Product Details
NOW A FLOAT THAT WILL HELP MOST EVERYONE ENJOY POOL FUN OR FITNESS THROUGH LOW-IMPACT EXERCISE. Check out the video overview. Not just for individuals with a disability. One float for all your personal floating needs. CHECK WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN OR THERAPIST FOR...