How to sit down in comfort on a Paddleboard and Include your Pet.
When people attempt to do standup paddleboard (SUP), many people tend to use their knees or kneel down. For anyone who may have knee issues, they may only stand or sit to avoid the discomfort that kneeling may cause. The FloatnThang™ gives them the option of sitting in comfort and gives a 5 to 6″ boost off the board. This opens the door for users who would prefer to otherwise sit or just sit and rest on those longer journeys. One big benefit of the #FloatnThang is it can hold beverages and other misc items. “We keep it simple,” said Doug Masi, founder of the Float’n & Boat’n Thang™. Most users would rather not have to fuss with clips and straps to adjust. Nor do they want to permanently attach stuff to their boards. With the FloatnThang™ you just drop it on the board and off you go. Keeping it on the board is obviously based on calm conditions. The device has a recessed area on each arm that is sized to fit a standard velcro strapped leash. For safety, the leash is always recommended to be attached to the user. Having a 2nd Thang on board can also be beneficial, as in the case of helping someone who was struggling to swim. See the story about a teen boy who was saved from almost drowning on June 10th. Even in rough conditions, the device tends to stay in place. As water conditions have been known to change quickly, standing at that point could be challenging. Such was the case with Matt, of Lake Pleasant, who shared how the FloatnThang™ provided a means for sitting and allowed him to paddle back to safety this past Memorial Day Holiday.
Many new boards come with rubber cords to stretch around items, therefore, allowing a second FloatnThang™ to be secured to a board. Having two is good for extras, as in the case of Linda with her Maltese, “Turbo”. Generally, he loves going on our board, but he tends to run all over and he likes to stand on the front of the board, which is not safe. This is the 1st time I was able to take him on the paddleboard, since the FloatnThang™ keeps him within the area right by me. Turbo was relaxed and just loved being able to prop his two front legs on the top of the device to let everyone know he thinks he’s the captain! As you can see, he loves just hanging out within the arms of the FloatnThang™. Linda says,”I think it makes him feel secure”.
This new product has opened an entirely new chapter for paddleboarding pleasure. Anyone with a SUP should consider getting more than one. Everyone should have at least one for comfort, safety, and to keep water nearby. It doesn’t take long to get dehydrated in the hot sun.
How to get one now? Search Float’n can Boat’ Thang on Amazon:
Check out how easy it is to include a second FloatnThang™ on your board to hold beverages and misc items. Just having the spaces built right into the device is an advantage on a SUP. Each Thang has two holders. Almost like having a 2nd pair of hands! One direction for holding beverages when the device is out of the water and another direction when the user is floating on the FloatnThang™ (see upright beverage holders.)
Video posted on YouTube – How to Standup and Sitdown in Seconds on a Paddleboard.
We are taking online orders now, having completed a market test in April and sold out of all prototype units. See our story on Lake Havasu Boat Show within our Blog menu. NOT to worry, we’re doing the final testing of the production mold and will have units going out starting mid-June. (6/15 update – we are now on Amazon). Our goal was by Memorial Day, but at least we had units to sell at the show, as well as demos for retailers.
We have a two pack special online (website special) a pre-order bonus (only on our PFDThang.com or FloatnThang.com site)
Orders can be processed right on our website or on Amazon. July 15th delivery maybe sooner / month early 6/15. All pre-order customers will be the first to get the early online release of the product.
We look forward to hearing about your fun FloatnThang experience. Follow us on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter @FloatnThang