Helping Children with Essential living needs
You may or may not have heard last summer, there was a great exodus out of Southern Sudan into Northern Uganda due to a civil war that involved killing, raping, and massacres of innocent children and families. Where did many of these people run to? To Northern Uganda. The number of people in some of these refugee camps number over 50,000.

Trying to help these people has become a focus project going forward over the next year. We were working to provide children with nice mats (made out of our closed cell foam) which would allow them something comfortable to sleep on. It would have been great to donate them however, the cost to ship these mats was extremely high from the US to Northern Uganda (Africa), said Doug Masi, founder of the Float’n Thang Read more on the mat donation opportunity
What we found out they really need was protection from the nasty insect”mosquitoes”, and the spreading of malaria. Fortunately, there is a mosquito net (which is developed locally in Uganda) that once the mosquito lands on the net they die. The net is safe for the children to sleep under and cost approximately $14 each. The FloatnThang is working along with to raise funds to supply 100’s of these nets.
The VIDEO below will show you exactly how desperate these children are to get these nets. This was a video from a distribution of nets in early December 2015.
Details and Support can be found at
Video of People in Desperate Need of Mosquito Nets.