Reviews, Events, and More– Kayak Review Using the FloatnThang
– What Good Things Can Take Place During Floating?
What Floating Can Do For You. That's a question I'm sure we all could come up with an answering for, assuming we are not surround by a large shark. Could it be that every human does have the same pre-birth process of growing in their mother's belly, encased...
– FloatnThang and Helping Children –
Helping Children with Essential living needs You may or may not have heard last summer, there was a great exodus out of Southern Sudan into Northern Uganda due to a civil war that involved killing, raping, and massacres of innocent children and families. Where...
Reduce Aches, Pains, and Stress “Finally, Here’s a Multi-Use Personal Flotation Device that gives you more buoyancy to help stay afloat, Empowers You to Summon Super-Human Confidence, and Conquer the Toughest Lower Back Aches … In Just 1 Pack!” Dear Friend, If...
The Inflatable Test
Using the Inflatable Thang
Float'n Thang Used by Barrow Neurological Center
Michelle Share how her Son Enjoys Floating
Dad and Son Float'n

Why get restricted to a seat float? Lounge, pedal, and enjoy zero gravity personal floating for under $25

Even the little guys love it
Snorkeling, Beaching and Fun Float'n

Strap to the back and hit the beach Float’n

Excellent personal flotation #floatnthang

Fins and Floats make snorkeling safer

We can’t wait to go float’n

Get the gang and their Float’n Thang and Get Float’n
Zero Gravity Fitness & Flexibility

One float offers maximum zero gravity flexibility.

Two positions for aqua pedaling. Shown in forward and reverse arm positions

Top rehabilitation organization chooses to use the Float’n Thang for their patients. The solid design is shown here.
Ideal for Resort Lazy Rivers and Pools
Perfect for Boat'n and Float'n